SEM – Search Engine Marketing – SEO & SEM 

Social may be sexy, but search still pays the bills.

— Tom Pick

What is SEM Search Engine Marketing

SEM is a powerful advertising channel. It is a technique of diverting more traffic towards the website by increasing the rank of the website on popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. SEM is also called Search Marketing. SEM can be done in both of the two ways; by getting traffic to the website with the help of SEO and by getting traffic with the help of SEA.


SEO – Serch Engine Optimization

SEA – Serch Engine Advertising


Best Practices for Optimum Conversions


No black hat techniques

No black hat techniques

No clumsy Keywords Stuffing

No clumsy non-professional keywords stuffings to increase fake SEO numbers or for the more initial false traffic.


Customer Intent Optimized

Customer Intent Optimized